Friday, October 17, 2008

My First Duck

My duck is in my left hand. My neighbor took me hunting hunting his duck is in my right hand. I got a drake...It was so awesome. The gun was so loud, I still can't hear out of my ears real good.


The Hill's said...

I am so proud you were so brave to shoot and what a good shot you are. To bring home a duck on your first run out..that's great! I am so proud of you - love mom

hEaThEr lEe said...

hEy iTs Heather.. jUsT wAnNa sAy cOnGrAtS oN yOuR fIrSt dUcK.. i'M pRoUd oF yOu i cOuLd NEVER sHoOt sOmEtHiNg.. GRREAT JOB!! 8D